A Circular Economy

Our governments and various organizations love to throw around phrases like “sustainable growth” and “smart growth”, but they are merely buzz words, a smokescreen to encourage complacency so people do not question the inherently destructive nature of our economic system.  “Sustainable growth” is a paradox, no growth can be sustained forever when we have finite resources, and the only “smart growth” is growth that eventually ends.

  • Challenging neoliberalism and the growth economy:  We live on a planet with finite resources, yet adhere to an unsustainable economic system that requires infinite exponential growth or it collapses.  read more…
  • A Circular Economy:  We must transition into an economy that is localized and can produce what we need and absorb the waste we create.  read more…
  • Responsible Development:  Development needs to take into account environmental impacts, be built to the highest standards, and add as few emissions as possible to climate change.  read more…
  • Energy independence:  Toronto must locally produce as much renewable energy as possible.  read more…
  • A TO Dollar:  With its own currency Toronto gains some sovereignty and the ability to employ people and stimulate the local economy.  read more…